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BCM -- Coupon Code for 2021

Posted by Roxanne Timberlake on 8/27/2021 to G&R Tactical News
We aim to make saving money easy here at G&R Tactical. Our coupon codes are simple and are the same all year long (discount percentages may change through out the year). This week we are featuring our BCM Uppers...

Optics -- Coupon Code for 2021

Posted by Roxanne Timberlake on 4/9/2021 to G&R Tactical News
We don't make coupon codes hard. We keep it easy so you can always get your discount when the codes are active. Right now, you can get 15% off all in stock optics by 

Gun control talk leads to empty "shelves"...

Posted by Roxanne Timberlake on 3/24/2021 to G&R Tactical News
No one ever wants to wake up and hear about a shooting. And the gun community is never surprised when the left uses it to launch another attack on the freedom to bear arms that we enjoy in this country. But what goes first when these things happen? 

Here are the manufacturers of interest:

Knives! (plus coupon code through March 31, 2021)

Posted by Roxanne Timberlake on 3/23/2021 to G&R Tactical News
Knives! (plus coupon code through March 31, 2021)
G&R is expanding its knives inventory with Spyderco and Zero Tolerance. We hope to be one of your favorite online stores to frequent for great deals on the most popular items from these great manufacturers. Coming soon to the store will be Microtech, so keep an eye out.

As mentioned in the most recent M4 Carbine Newsletter, 

BCM Stripped Lower Receivers--Only at G&R Tactical

Posted by Roxanne Timberlake on 9/6/2020 to G&R Tactical News
BCM Stripped Lower Receivers--Only at G&R Tactical
We've been asking for BCM Stripped Lower Receivers for years. This limited edition run of lowers have a unique serial number starting with SL. They arrived in July 2020.