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Hornady 300BLK 110gr Frangible Training 50rd Box
Hornady 300BLK 110gr Frangible Training 50rd Box

Hornady 300BLK 110gr Frangible Training 50rd Box

On sale: $45.00
Retail Price:$60.00
You Save:$15.00(25%)
In Stock.
Part Number:80870
One 50rd box.

Law Enforcement and Ammo Restriction: Hornady Law Enforcement Ammo (TAP/Critical Duty) is restricted to Law Enforcement agency/officer sales only. To purchase these products, you must submit a copy of your Authorized Credentials. This can be done before or after placing your order. You can send us a copy by emailing us at [email protected]. The following are also eligible to purchase this ammo: Corrections officers that are able to show agency credentials, Retired officers in good standing that are able to show agency credentials, Licensed and uniformed security guards/companies, and Active and Retired military personnel.


·         California —No sales to LA, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, or Avalon. All others must go to an FFL.

·         Connecticut — No sales without a valid permit.

·         Alaska — No Sales. 

·         Hawaii — No Sales. 

·         Illinois — No sales to the city of Chicago or Cook County. All other Illinois residents must e-mail us a copy of their FOID card in addition to their State ID. Ammunition must ship to an address on one of these ID's.

·         Massachusetts — No sales. 

·         Maryland — No Sales to the City of Annapolis and Montgomery County

·         New York —No Sales to New York City, or its five Burroughs. All others must go to an FFL.

·         New Jersey — When ordering ammunition commonly used in a handgun/to be used in a handgun, e-mail us a copy of your Firearms ID. We must ship to the address on the FID.

·         Puerto Rico —No Sales.

·         Washington D.C. — No sales. 

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